The Best Copywriting Book to Study

best copywriting book to study

The Best Copywriting Book to Study


Copywriting is a skill that can be used in many different ways. It's not just for ads and sales pages; it's also used to write blog posts, emails and other types of content for your business. The best way to learn about copywriting is by reading books on the subject, so here are some of my favorite ones...

Ca$hvertising by Drew Eric Whitman

If you are a copywriter, then this book is a must read. It's all about advertising and how to make money with it. The author shows you how to create ads that sell anything from toothpaste to online courses. "Cashvertising" focuses on the basics of copywriting, and is broken down into three sections:

  • An Introduction to Copywriting and Marketing

  • Creating Compelling Ads That Sell

  • The Power of Persuasion: How to Get People To Buy What You're Selling

High-Profit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price by Mark Hunter

If you want to become a better salesperson, this is the book for you. It teaches the reader how to sell without compromising on price and gives them strategies for improving their sales skills. This book is great for anyone who wants to make more money in their career and improve their ability to sell products or services.

Breakthrough Copywriting by David Garfinkel

This book is a great resource for anyone looking to learn the art of copywriting. It was written by a copywriter, so you can be sure it's packed with tips and advice on how to make your website or social media posts more effective.

This book covers four main areas: copywriting for sales, copywriting for business, internet marketing and social media marketing. If you're looking specifically into one of these areas, then this book is perfect because it covers them all in detail while also providing examples throughout each chapter.

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries and Jack Trout

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries and Jack Trout

This is the book that started it all. If you’re looking to get a good foundation on marketing, this is where you should start. It contains 22 laws that serve as the backbone for any successful campaign or business strategy. Here are some of my favorites:

  • Law of Leadership - The first company to market a product in a category becomes its leader, no matter how small they are or how big their competitors are. (Think Apple versus Microsoft)

  • Law of the Mind - People buy emotionally and justify rationally. This means that you need to appeal emotionally before presenting your case logically.

  • Law of the Word - When people hear about new products or services for the first time, they tend to be skeptical about them even if there is nothing wrong with what was said about it.

The Ultimate Sales Letter: 4th Edition by Dan S. Kennedy

If you’re looking to learn how to write sales letters, this book is for you. Dan Kennedy is the master at writing copy that sells. In this edition, he brings his expertise and experience from decades of working with companies large and small on their sales efforts.

The chapters are organized into a step-by-step process for crafting your own successful letters.

Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins

The first thing you should know about Scientific Advertising is that it’s a classic. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in copywriting, advertising or marketing.

Claude Hopkins was one of the most successful copywriters of his time and he wrote this book to share his secrets with others. If you want to learn how to write effective ads that actually sell products and get people excited about what they are selling then this book will help you do just that!

Hypnotic Writing by Joe Vitale

The book is about how to write copy that sells. Vitale talks about the power of hypnotic language and offers tips on how to use it in your own writing. He also teaches you how to get inside the heads of your readers, understand what motivates them and what their objections are, so you can address those concerns in your copy before they even arise.

This book will teach you how to write copy that doesn’t just sell your product or service—it convinces people they need it.

How To Write Copy That Sells by Ray Edwards

How To Write Copy That Sells is a classic in the copywriting world—and for good reason. The book is written by Ray Edwards, considered one of the most influential copywriters ever to live.

Edwards' book covers everything from writing headlines and ad copy to creating print ads and direct mail pieces. It's easy to read, full of examples, and based on research that Edwards conducted himself. In fact, it seems like every time you open this book there's some new piece of information that helps you become a better writer or marketer.

10 Steps to Successful Copywriting by Herschell Gordon Lewis

This book is a collection of letters written by Herschell Gordon Lewis, the CEO of Virtual Office Concepts. These letters were meant to help people who are new to copywriting get started with the basics. It's a good place to start if you are new to copywriting and want some advice on how to make your business thrive.

The book contains information on everything from writing effective headlines, using words that sell, sales psychology, and more! It has been written in such a way that even if you've never dabbled in writing before (like me), then this book will be very helpful for you too.

The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert

The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert is a compilation of letters written by Halbert to his list subscribers. The letters are meant to be sales letters, and they cover all aspects of writing effective copy. The book includes examples of great headlines, copywriting formulas, how to write an offer, how to lead with benefits and more.

* The Boron Letters contains a bunch of different techniques for writing sales letters. * It's a collection of letters that have been successful in selling.

The Robert Collier Letter Book

The Robert Collier Letter Book is a collection of letters written by the legendary copywriter Robert Collier. The letters were published in a book in 1929, but today you can find them for free online.

In my opinion, anyone who wants to be a successful copywriter should study this book and take notes on it. Here’s why:

  • It's full of great advice from one of the best copywriters who has ever lived. You will learn things about writing and selling that even experienced writers don't know!

  • It shows you how real-world sales letters were written back in the 1930s; before email marketing, social media ads, or even direct mail campaigns existed (in their modern forms).

More Copywriting Books...

There are a lot of copywriting books out there, but not to be left out, below are a few more copywriting books to consider. The books I recommend to students studying copywriting are those by Claude Sullivan, Werz, and Schwartz. I also recommend Ogilvy on Advertising, but that's for another article. The point is, whichever copywriting books you choose, read them all. You'll be glad you did!

Neville's Copywriting Book

This book is a must-read if you want to master copywriting. Written by a marketing expert, it will teach you how to make your copy as clear as possible. It is chock-full of strategies and tips, but also explains how the copy should be laid out. Whether you're working with an e-commerce website or a physical store, you can benefit from Neville's tips.

Another important book for copywriting is Scientific Advertising and My Life in Advertising by Dale Carnegie. This book emphasizes the importance of testing, which is critical to copywriting. While Claude was a very creative writer, his writing was focused on maximizing sales. He was also an objective copywriter, and therefore, some of the information in this book is outdated. You should read this book only if you're serious about improving your copywriting.

The Art of the Click is another excellent book for learning how to write better copy. It focuses on the technical aspects of copywriting and customer psychology. It's also a fun read, and the author has a long history in this field. This book is an excellent resource for beginning copywriters. You can use the information to improve your work, and increase your fees. But it's not just about technical writing. It also covers psychology and customer engagement.

You can learn from the book by following Neville's advice. In interviews, podcasts, and articles, he has recommended books that are highly relevant to the field of copywriting. You'll also learn from the examples and strategies he uses on his website. In addition to this, he also shares a lot of personal experiences. In the end, it's up to you to decide what books will be most useful for your business.

Werz's Copywriting Book

Werz's book focuses on the psychology of writing. He explains how people process information and write compelling copy. This is useful for those wishing to develop their own copywriting style, as well as those who want to improve their current skills. For example, this book discusses the psychology of receptiveness, and how people choose to read different types of text. Werz explains the psychology of writing, and gives tips on how to craft compelling copy.

Werz's book is like a cheat sheet for copywriters, offering thousands of examples and advice on how to write effective copy. Conversational copywriting is one of the most important aspects of copywriting, as many marketers tend to write more for search engines than they do for readers. By teaching this skill, you'll be able to write persuasive copy that captivates people.

While many copywriting books are written in the past, Werz's book covers new topics and focuses on modern copywriting. It teaches the psychology of selling through real world examples and formulae. This book is easy to read and provides a variety of helpful templates, email templates, ad hooks, and headlines. While the book does focus on the principles of persuasive copywriting, it does provide a wealth of information on the psychology of writing.

If you're interested in marketing strategy, Werz's book is an excellent place to start. It covers a wide range of topics related to effective selling, and it simplifies abstract concepts to make them easier to understand. This will translate into a stronger story and a better ad copy. The fifth edition contains additions by Edward Boche. This book is a great resource for all levels of copywriters, and it's worth reading for those with little or no experience.

Schwartz's Copywriting book

This classic copywriting book is written by Eugene Schwartz. In it, he explains the psychology behind the drive to buy and how to sell it. While this book was originally published in 1923, the principles and techniques he teaches still apply today to social media copy. For example, a headline should catch a reader's attention, but it's even more difficult to maintain it. In order to get your reader to click the buy button, you must engage them with a compelling headline.

In The Art of the Click, Schwartz explains how to create a one-to-one connection with your audience. You need to understand their feelings, identify their needs, and meet those needs through your copy. This is the foundation of good copywriting. If you don't understand what your audience is feeling, you won't be able to write a compelling headline.

A lot of copywriting books focus on the "why" of a product or service. In contrast, Claude Sullivan's copy is highly tested. Despite his success, he reveals that the most important thing in copy is tracking. Without tracking, your words will not do anything. This book contains some excellent insights about tracking, which will be helpful when using your copy in modern digital channels.

In addition to teaching copywriting, this book has big-picture ideas that will help you get started in the field. For example, the story of the candy with razor blades inside is a very common one. This is where Schwartz's book comes in. In his book, you will discover why writing a good advertisement is essential to a successful marketing strategy. If your copy is relevant to your readers, you'll succeed!

Ogilvy Copywriting Book

The advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather has 450 offices around the world. Ogilvy on advertising discusses what sells. It is illustrated with 185 advertisements. A must-read for anyone in the advertising industry. The text is illustrated with over 185 pages of ads from the past century. It also includes an appendix with the company's history. This book is recommended for those who want to get a deeper understanding of how and why advertisements are effective.

This book is not an exact replica of the original Ogilvy on Advertising. It does not contain the author's advice or endorsement, but it does contain information from a very good source. David Ogilvy was the father of advertising and one of the most influential figures in the industry. He explains the process and the art of creating ads that sell and make the company look good. It also explains how to create an advertising agency, how to make good ads, and how to deal with public opinion.

After graduation, David Ogilvy spent a year in Paris as an assistant chef. He then returned to the UK and became a door-to-door AGA stove salesman in Scotland. He was hired for this position because of his AGA sales manual. Ogilvy on Advertising is an excellent primer on the art of advertising, and should be required reading for anyone involved in the business. Once you understand Ogilvy's philosophy, you'll be able to create effective advertisements that will make a company look good.

The book covers everything from Ogilvy's obsession with research to good direct mail campaigns. It also touches on the importance of photo captions. People are twice as likely to read a photo caption than a line of text. And if you can't get a photo to stand out, use a caption instead. If people read the caption, they'll be more likely to read the whole piece.


Reading is the best way to learn how to write copy. You can read books on writing, but they won’t teach you as much as reading real-world examples will.

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