Blogging How to Start

Blogging How to Start blog


Do you want to know how to start a blog? Are you thinking about writing and creating content for your business or personal brand? Want to make money blogging? I will show you how to start a blog, from coming up with an idea all the way to making money from it. Let me help you with blogging how to start.

Come up with an idea for a blog.

First, you'll want to consider the topic of your blog. You want to choose something that you're passionate about and knowledgeable about. This will make it easier for you to write in-depth content and share your knowledge with others. The best topics are unique and/or relevant because this will make them more appealing to readers. Popular subjects can also be great choices since they may attract a larger audience than other niches.

Unless you have prior knowledge or experience with writing blogs, start by choosing an easy-to-understand topic like "Blogging How to Start".

Choose your blog’s name.

  • Choose a name that is short, easy to remember, and easy to spell.

  • Choose a name that is memorable and easy to pronounce.

  • Choose a name that is unique and not already taken by another blog or website.

  • Choose a name that is easy to remember.

Purchase hosting.

You’re going to need a place to host your blog, and the good news is that it can be pretty affordable. You might think that paying for hosting is an unnecessary expense, but if you want to make money from your blog this will be essential.

Hosting isn’t difficult, but there are some things you should know before you go ahead and sign up with any old provider. Be sure they offer good customer service (it doesn’t hurt if they have 24/7 customer support), fast servers so your site loads quickly and easy-to-use features like user management and stats.

One of the best and cheapest WordPress blog Host Providers is BlueHost.

Install WordPress and a theme.

Once you have a domain, you'll need to install WordPress. You can do this two ways: by installing WordPress on your own hosting account or by using one of the many free WordPress hosting providers out there. The latter option is simpler, but remember that while it's free, they will often try to upsell you other products like website builder tools and email marketing software. If you go this route, make sure your blog has a custom domain so it doesn't look spammy or unprofessional.

Customize your theme.

Customize your theme

The first thing you’re going to want to do is customize your theme. This means making sure that it matches the branding of your blog, but also making sure it’s easy for visitors to read and navigate. A lot of people don’t think about this, but one of the easiest ways to make a good impression on new readers is with an attractive style sheet that works well on all devices. 

Some themes come preloaded with features like tabs or related posts sections, which can make it easier for readers who are just starting out or aren’t as tech savvy as others.

Coloring is essential... here is a free color picker from Google.

Write your first post and publish it.

Now that you have a blog set up, it's time to write your first post. You might be feeling daunted at this point, but don't worry! The most important thing is to just get started. The best way to start is by writing about something you know well and enjoy talking about in real life. It could be something from your current life as an entrepreneur or an aspiring entrepreneur (like learning how to grow social media followers), or it could be from your past experience as a student or teacher (like how different countries educate their students).

If you can't think of anything off the top of your head, don't worry! Just go through these steps:

  • Think through all the things that interest you

  • Choose one topic that stands out among all others

  • Research your blog title by searching for it online to gain ideas and inspiration

  • Utilize Copy software such as or Hyperwrite to help jumpstart your content vs Hyperwrite (Blogging How to Start) and Hyperwrite are two different pieces of software that can help you create content for your blog. is good for beginners because it makes it easy to write, publish and share content on your site. 

Hyperwrite is a more advanced tool that allows users to create any type of content they want with ease. Both tools offer many features such as SEO optimization and keyword research tools, but the differences between the two options are much more significant than simply their featureset or pricing model.

Hyperwrite offers an entire suite of tools that allow you to write better quality articles without having to do all the work yourself (or pay someone else). This includes everything from brainstorming ideas for topics or titles, finding keywords related to those concepts using Google Keyword Planner or other competitive research tools like SEMRush; editing paragraphs until they're exactly what you want before publishing them online; making sure formatting standards follow best practices so search engines can recognize them easily; posting regularly so Google keeps showing up in search results when people search relevant keywords - which means higher rankings too!

Install Plugins (Some plugins are must have).

There are thousands of WordPress plugins available for free or for a fee, depending on the functionality you need. Some plugins are must have and some are not. I will list out some of the essential ones that I personally use to make my blogging easier

SEO Plugin - Search Engine Optimization is pretty important for any blog and also helps in getting more visitors to your site. SEO Plugin allows you to add meta data easily and let's Google know how your blog should be indexed.

Site Builder Plugin - This plugin is an all in one package when it comes to building websites using WordPress with its drag & drop editor tool which lets you build beautiful sites within minutes without writing any code at all!

Monetize your blog (if you want).

As you get more popular, you may want to consider monetizing your blog. There are many ways to do this, but here are some of the most common:

  • Adsense – An ad network that pays based on how many impressions (views) and clicks an ad receives. You need at least 100k+ monthly visitors to use it.

  • Amazon – Sell affiliate products through an Amazon Associates account (requires a separate website).

  • Affiliate marketing – Get paid by promoting other companies' services or products in exchange for a commission on sales made by people who click your links/reviews/etc.

  • Sponsored posts – Write about topics in which you have no expertise but receive compensation from advertisers or brands for doing so anyway—i.e., writing about travel destinations if you've never been out of town before! You can also write sponsored reviews where a company will send you their product and pay money in return for being honest about whether or not it was worth buying…but don't forget that honesty is usually worth something too!

  • Create your own course and sell it. (You can create your own course using the site builder plugin I suggest above).

Blogging How to Start takes time, patience and practice.

Blogging the right way isn't easy - set your blog up right initially and put time and effort adding quality content that your target market wants to read. And then add content as often as humanly possible. 

Focusing on providing VALUE and SOLUTIONS to problems people are facing everyday will get you to where you want to be faster.

Focusing on yourself and what you want out of your blog will only detract from your focus and slow your blog's progress.

Proper, profitable blogging takes time and patience and a professional commitment to your time and the time of your readership.

Always take time to study your market, find others blogs similar to your topic and read articles and try and post better content that will keep your readers coming back for more.

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Steven Lewis -

I'm Steven and I'm ready to share with you the exact outline I've used to create THREE 6-Figure Blogs!



Steven Lewis is an online marketer and digital course professional teaching people simple internet marketing strategies for achieving 6-figure results.

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